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??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????Butterfly All Around? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.2 (5 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 649 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????Sometimes Im Blue? ????? ?????? ???Rati CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Saturday, December 08, 2007

They're Coming Home.......All of Them!

My sister Sarah, John, and Grayson are moving home!!!! They have been thinking about moving home since Grayson was born, and by the time they came home for Thanksgiving, they were pretty sure that was what they wanted to do. A couple of days before they came home, they put their house on the market. They sold it yesterday and signed all the papers. One of the stipulations from the buyer was that they wanted them out by the 23rd of this month. Sarah and John agreed to it. It would be one thing if they were moving somewhere close, but they are moving from N.C. to Maine. They have no family there to help them. They are planning on flying my parents, and John's brother down to help pack and then to help drive the truck and their two vehicles home. The guys will be responsible for getting the vehicles back to Maine, and Sarah, Grayson, and my mom will fly back home. They do not have much time to get everything done, so please pray for things to go smoothly and for the appraisal to go alright so they can get home. Sarah was a little upset, she will miss the girls she was a nanny for (and essentially raised) for the past 7 years. My kids have basically thought of them as cousins for that time as well. So, they will be home for Christmas after all! It is truly amazing to watch from the outside, all of the things that havbe just fallen into place. Houses do not normally sell that fast, and it was only shown twice. Both parties were very interested in it too. Anyway, please pray for safety as well.

My youngest sister Jess is also coming home. She is coming home from college for good. She was originally coming home for Christmas, but decided she is not going back. She already finished her degree last year, but wanted to go for one more year. She has now decided that she is all done. They will all be living in my mothers house for now. It has been 10 years since all of us have lived in the same state, and now we will all live not even 5 minutes apart. It will be strange in deed and take a little while to get used to, but it will be AWESOME!

Today we went to the gym, and they were having santa come and visit with the kids. Kelsey was great with santa, but Kaylee did not like him at all. We finally got her sitting with him, but she made sure Toya was next to her. She didn't stay long either. I only got one picture, but the owner got a couple, so when I receive them, I will post those too. Here is the picture:

That is all for today. Have a great week!


Joleene said...

Yay! That's such exciting news! I know your mom and everyone must be so happy. It'll be nice to have them and that precious baby home!

Debra said...

That is so exciting for you!!! And you are right, the Lord's hand IS in this because homes are NOT selling that fast right now. Two families here have their homes for sale in Soucth Carolina and Washington DC area and they have no sold in 6 months. Ours was on the amrket for 6 months and we had to take a HUGE loss. I am so happy for you and your family!

Ellen said...

How exciting for you and your family!! What will Sarah and John do in Maine - does he already have work lined up? How great it will be for all of you to have everyone close again. Will be praying for an easy move and safe travel.

Joan said...

Wow!! That's wonderful..It's will be great having all you family together..Amazing what prayer does..Now you won't miss Grayson growing up..

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Anonymous said...

Wow! That's super news about John and Sarah! ~Miranda~

familyof6 said...

Wow! I got tears in my eyes looking at all of your family pics and reading the wonderful news about your family all being together again!! I am so happy for you! Beautiful family!

Linda said...

That is SO awesome!!!! I'm SO happy for your family! To have everybody back together again is awesome!!

Casey's trio said...

Hooray for your family moving home. I'm sure it will be so fun having everyone within 5 minutes:)

Laura said...

Wow! That will be fun especially with her new baby. My younger sister moved back here last year and it has been so wonderful! I cannot think of anything nicer than having your best friends in your family. I know you will love having your new nephew so close, all of your kids will.