? ??????????????Butterfly Blues? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 3.0 (12 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 557 Total Grabs.
??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????Butterfly All Around? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.2 (5 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 649 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????Sometimes Im Blue? ????? ?????? ???Rati CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Making a Pizza :)

well, once again, not too much to report. we had a very relaxing past couple of days. my house is clean, the dishes are done and there is not much to do, excepot laundry which i never get a break from. anyway, i have a few pictures of the christmas tree. no, the tree is not leaning, it is the photographer. here they are:

my parents also put up their christmas tree and while grampa was getting the tree in the stand, kaylee decided it would be fun to climb on him, so here are the pics from that. kelsey just kinda stayed on the sidelines:

next we have some pics of the twins hair from the back. i normally put their hair in pig tales to keep it out of their face, but i decided to try it with barretts the other day so i took some pictures. (look how long and curly the back is):

last but not least, and the title of the post. jordan had a field trip today. they got to go to a local pizza hut and learn how to make pizza. they had to be there at 9:30 am before it opened. the boys made one and then the girls made one. i didn't get any pictures of the girls, but i did of the boys. they made the pizza and then got to eat it. i wasn't too sure about eating pizza at 10am, but the kids didn't mind. we all got to eat the two medium pizza's that the kids made plus they made one more. we all got to take a piece home too, so we ate the other piece for the "real" lunch and had a snack. it really was an easy day.

Jordan in the freezer (getting the pizza dough). he said he was freezing....ya think??? lol waiting on the lady to get the dough ready
putting on the cheese (i wonder how much they ate and dropped)
jordan tasting a pepporoni (he informed me that it was hot)
the finished product (look how much taller he is than the rest ~ i'm the mother of a giant...lol)


Debra said...

What a fun activity!!!! Yummy too ;-)

Your girls are so cute!!! I cannot wait until my boys get to that age!! Life will be so much fun!!!

Happy Holidays Stacy!