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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Eating Ice Cream & Other News :)

sorry it's been so long. it has been a very eventful few days. my days are so mixed up right now. here's a short version of what has been going on. on wendsday night we didn't go to church as latoya came home from school with a belly ache and headache. we called it an early night. on thursday night at around 10 p.m. (i think), kaylee woke up screaming and would not go back to sleep. i thought maybe she had an ear ache, but wasn't sure. i also didn't know if she was having a reaction to the INH medication she is on for the TB. like i said before, there are many side affects that she cannot tell me about. she had also hit her forehead about 3 hr.s before that and had a bump there so i wasn't sure if that had anything to do with it either. anyway, after talking mayself into it, i decided to call the dr. on call at the dr.s office. he called me right back and said that more than likely it had nothing to do with the meds. or the bump, but if she continued to cry for more than an hour, to bring her to the ER. i put some ear drops in (they numb the ear) and after about a half hour she was back asleep. i bet you can't guess what we did on friday??? yup, you guessed it, we were back at the dr.s office. sure enough she has a ear infection, actually a double ear infection. he said that she actually has puss in one ear and the other didn't look much better. so now, i have 3 of the 4 on meds. kelsey and kaylee get their ear ache meds in the morning, and then kaylee gets her INH at night and jordan gets his allergy/asthma (singulair) at night. thursday night when kaylee was crying was horrible. i was crying right along with her saying why can't i have normal, healthy kids!!!!! i don't understand it. it is so heart wrenching to hold your baby while she screams and you can't do anything for her because you don't know what's wrong with her!!!!! anyway, it must have been a good ear infection because even after two days on the meds, she still holds onto that ear and cries at night until i put the ear drops in. i also forgot to mention that the meds they had put kelsey on for her ear infection was giving her really watery diahrea, so they switched her to something else and now her and kaylee are on the same one. happier thought :) today we went swimming at the ymca. they have family open swim. it lasts one hour and the family gets in for $6. the kids had fun so i think we will do it every weekend when we have nothing else going on. on monday the home health nurse comes to check on kaylee and then i have to take the other three down to get rechecked at the dr.s. hopefully the girls ears will look better and we can find out where to go from her with jordan. i will keep you all updated. here are some cute pictures of the kids eating ice cream:


kaylee ~ this is how we eat ice cream when our hands are cold





kelsey ~ notice the corn on the cob sitting beside the cone. she took turns biting each! :)


Mandy said...

Great pics!

Laura said...

You sure are having a rough time of it with illness! I am sorry. I resurected my blog but wanted some help from you. Yours has extras I want to add. Can you email me Lauraall@aol.com. Great pics by the way.