? ??????????????Butterfly Blues? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 3.0 (12 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 557 Total Grabs.
??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????Butterfly All Around? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.2 (5 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 649 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????Sometimes Im Blue? ????? ?????? ???Rati CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Monday, November 13, 2006

Updates :)

well, as you will notice, i have added slide shows to the blog. there are three on the side and then two at the bottom. i thought it would spice up the blog a little. i am also adding video footage that i took of the twins with my digital camera today. it is kinda dark, but i was just experimenting. i will know next time to try to get to a brighter spot. you can still hear their cute little voices though. there is not too much else to report. the girls have major diahrea that i'm assuming is from the medicine. they will be going to see dr. penner in brunswick on thursday for tubes, so hopefully we will be able to put a top to all the meds. they are definitely sleeping better. we went to the ymca to work out tonight. they have a playroom where someone watches the kids while the parents work out. toya was bored last time but liked this lady and they actually did not want to leave. doug and i were able to work out together for an hour. it really is nice to just be able to talk without anyone interupting for a little while. tomorrow, we have the opportunity to meet with some town officials and some state officials as well as it is prematurity awareness month here. they invited me to come with my kids (all 3 girls spent time in the nicu), jordan was 2 1/2 weeks early but was completely healthy enough to come home, plus he weighed 7lbs. 14 oz. :). anyway, here are the videos. make sure you tunr your volume up. the first one is kaylee giggling:

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the next one is the girls kissing nd kaylee saying bankie (blankie):

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this last one is the girls saying various things, kelsey is first and then kaylee:

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i hope you enjoy. next time i will make sure they are better. have a great evening.


Mandy said...

WOW!! They are saying a lot more than my girls!!