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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Fun In A Box!!! :)

first an update. on tuesday morning, kaylee woke up quit cranky (remember i thought i was going to end up going to the dr.s for her ears). i got all the kids ready and brought toya and jordan to school. when i got home, kaylee was still very cranky and just sat and cried. i put her down to g make lunch and forgot to put the gates up. when i came back in the livingroom, there was just kelsey and caleb. i asked kelsey where kaylee was and she said upstairs. i thought for sure she was getting into something up there, but when i got to the top of the stairs, i smelt it. i looked in her room and there is kaylee just sitting on her big girl bed with her blanket with throw up down the front of her. it was soo cute, but soo sad. somehow she managed to just get it on her pj's. i asked her what was wrong and she said "tummy hurt" i was shocked that she actually could tell me what was going on. they talk alot, but this was the first time they have actually told me what was wrong. immediately my mind started thinking of the side affects that the INH (meds for TB) can have which include kidney and liver problems. needless to say, we went to the dr.s. they assured me that she was ok and probably just has the flu, no ear infection either. okay on to the next topic.

the title of the post is fun in a box. i was sitting in the playroom and jordan was in the livingroom. i heard him saying "this is a firetruck", and proceeding to "drive" it around, noises included. i peaked in the livingroom to see what he was doing and found him in the diaper box, driving his "firetruck". i snuck back to get my camera and was ready when i called his name. who needs toys, when you have a box.....lol. here is the pic:

Jordan in the box :)

i have been meaning to put this next story up for a while, but kept forgetting. it makes you think a little and hang on to your kids more. about a week ago, my hubby and i and the kids were shopping in our local walmart. my hubby had gone to a different department to look at watches while i remained in the clothing section. there was a display of clearance toys in the front

of the vlothes and toys and jordan were standing there playing with them. i was literally maybe 5 feet from them. all of a sudden a lady came up to jordan and i saw him jump back. aparentyl she didn't see me. i raised my voice to ask him what happened and saw her walk quickly away. he came right over to me and i asked him what she did to him. he said "she tickled me". it seems harmless enough, but the whole thing was just strange. i was kinda upset because i couldn't imagine going out of my way to touch someone elses kid, no matter what. he is a very friendly boy, too friendly for me most of the time and after that he stuck right next to me. my hubby was VERY mad and wanted to go find the lady, but i had just gotten a quick glance so i don't think i would have been able to find her anyway, plus she was long gone. anyway, that's my story. hang onto your kids is my advice!

okay, last but not least, i said i would put a picture up of toya's coat that we got at gymboree for $10. i know the pj's really make the outfit, huh??? i was very impressed with the coat. i love it!!! here it is:

Toya in her new coat :)


Claremont First Ward said...

Cute pictures. THe mall incident IS very strange. It is not normal to tickle a strange child. I'm glad you were close by!

Debra said...


Sorry about all the sickness you guys have been going through.. Spring will be here soon enough and so hopefully the colds will decrease!!!

I love looking at all your pictures. You guys have more snow than we do (I am in Iowa). Ours just recently melted.

Well I better get off the computer. michael is out getting the rental truck (we are moving to our new house today) and I am supposed to be packing!! LOL

Laura said...

I wouldn't like the Walmart incident either! Glad you were close by. The coat is darling! My Jacob can have the most fun with his imagination. I am not sure if you saw the email I sent, that I listed all of Lindsey's stuff. I figured you probably already got everything bought.