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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Update.....Update :) Two New Additions To The Family!

well, first i will update you on kaylee. sorry i haven't updated yet, but it has once again been a hectic week! kaylee's specialist called the next day with the results, and they were normal. i figured they would be as the next morning, she was fine. she was up and playing and acting like her same old self. she still didn't eat great that day, but drank a ton and therefore had plenty of wet diapers. she is now eating everything in sight and is completely back to normal. it's a mystery as to what she had and the fact that out of a family of 6, she is the only one who got it is also a mystery. we are happy to have the same old kaylee back though, we missed her! :) everything else is going good so far. it is getting warmer here so we hope the sickies are going to go away for good. next.......

i got my order that i used my gymbucks for at gymboree. these are the swimsuits i got all the kids. i love the twins, they are adorable, toya doesn't like hers as she is uncomfortable in a 2 piece, so we will return it and get a one piece, but i loved that the three girls matched. jordan liked his too. we still have a LONG time to go before they can actually go swimming, but here is a picture of them trying them on:

on to the title of my post, and the two new additions. most of you will remember that a while ago i had posted about all the pregnant people i know of, now it is time to start showing pictures as they are born. there were two due this month, my cousin brian's wife, mindy, was due first and then my cousin jeremy's girlfriend, heather, was due a couple of weeks later. well, mindy was late and heather was early. they ended up going into the hospital on the same day, wed., mar. 21st. mindy was to be induced, and heather went into labor on her own.

heather gave birth on wendsday night to a little girl, she had to be resucitated and have lots of test run as she did not breathe at birth and mom and baby have some infection (thus the IV). she seems to be doing fine now though:
Jazmine Lynn ~ 8lb. 7 oz.
mindy unfortunately labored all day and night yesterday and all day today and was finally ready to push tonight but the baby went into distress so they did a c-section. the cord was wrapped around her neck 3 times. she is fine now though. so after 2 days of labor minday gave birth to a baby girl as well:

Jayna Marie ~ 7 lbs. 11oz.
(did i mention they are all friends and hang out together ~ too funny that they go into labor on the same day.)

my mom went down to see them tonight and said mom's, dad's, and babies were all camped out in one room ~ how cool is that :)

well, once again, sorry for not updating sooner, i hope everyone has a great week. no more babies expected until may, and then they will hit one by one. we have eight more to go. next two are due in may and the last one is due in sept. of course by the time we are done with those, i'm sure there will be more pregnant people :) it never ends!!!! LOL


Laura said...

I am glad Kaylee is on the mend! Those swimming suits are so darn cute. I got the red one piece from that line and you have me second guessing my choices. I tend to hate the way two pieces scoot up, but those are the cutest suits ever! I bought several outfits from that line and I LOVE THEM! It's so fun to get new clothes and try them all on. Gymbucks- gotta love it! Tell me what you think about the suits, maybe I should switch. I have another one piece.

The kids are adorable!

Laura said...

Infact the girls are wearing one of them in my most recent post.

Claremont First Ward said...

Cute suits! Maybe there's some weird gravitational pull on the first day of spring causing women to go into labor. he he....great day to be born though. My hubby's birthday.