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Sunday, October 07, 2007

Not a great day & Nadia please contact me!

nadia (or someone who knows her), you left a comment on my blog, but i have no way of contacting you, could you please email me? i would love to talk about some of the things that have gone on with your son and maybe some things that have helped him. it's nice to know that someone knows what you are going to and to have someone to talk to about it. my email address is ds4nier@megalink.net.

jordan did not have a great day today. we went to church and he went to his sunday school class and then to junior church. his teacher in junior church brought him to my mom because he was starting to complain of leg pain again. he did ok, but was starting to limp a little and walk on his tip toes so i knew eventually it was going to get to the point where he couldn't walk again. we went and had lunch at my mom's after church and then i laid down with the girls for their nap. around 4:15 i heard him crying as my mom was trying to bring him potty. sure enough, he could no longer walk. i know people i have talked probably think i seem like it's no big deal and i'm not too worried about it, but this is a face that i put on. i don't like people to see the vulnerable side of me. i have cried with him several times because there is nothing i can do for him. i bring him to the potty and he cries, he literally cannot move without crying out in pain. there's nothing like watching your child cry out every time you touch him or try to help him. i also know that things could be alot worse, i completely understand that. so, all that being said, please just keep him in your prayers, that the pain is not too unbearable, and the rest of the family as we try to deal with this. i am very worried about jordan and school. he seems to have made great strides and now it looks as though he will miss alot of school. his preschool teacher has offered to tutor him in her free time. this means alot to us, and will help out tremendously so that maybe he won't get too far behind. anyway, please keep him in your prayers. here are some pictures i took of his knees tonight (notice how huge his knees are from the swelling):

i wanted to add a cute story that happened with jordan tonight. he was sitting down and i saw him move without crying out in pain and jokingly, i said "wow, it's a miracle, your healed". he looked at me and said God can heal people, he did it with the man in the river. it was very cute. we told him there were lots of people praying for him to be healed.

now, something completely unrelated but i definitely wanted to mention. the other night when we were in the emergency room till 4 am, all 3 girls were up at 8 am. neither jordan nor i were ready to get up at that time and doug was at work, so latoya got the girls down and got the three of them breakfast and played with them while we slept for a couple more hours! what a great help she is, i know i don't brag on her enough. she really goes above and beyond with her sisters. i also wanted to mention that latoyas fundraiser for cheering went awesome, she was the top seller. here is a picture of her in her uniform:

well, that is all for tonight. please keep everyone in your prayers, and have a great week!


Linda said...

Stacy I am SO sorry that he has to go through all that pain. It sounds really hard on you. That is your child and I can only imagine what you are feeling. You guys are in my prayers- Keep your chin up- God does perform miracles that story you shared about Jordan telling you that God performs miracles- shows that he has faith and that is a wonderful thing for anyone to have and extra special when coming from a child! God Bless!-- Love Linda

Linda said...

Oh... PS... sounds like you have one special-- wonderful daughter!! :) She looks great in her uniform too by the way!

Sue said...

So sorry that Jordan is not feeling well and is in so much pain. We will all pray for him to get better.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Jordan. If you need anything at all, let me know. He will definatly be in our thoughts and prayers!!

Joan said...

Sorry to hear he's still not feeling well. WE'll continue to keep him in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Toya looks so great in her uniform! I'm glad she was able to raise enough money for it!

Tell Jordan we are praying for him and that we hope he heals soon with little pain.

Call me if you need anything.


Proud Grandparents said...

Hey Honey, I to am sorry with what Jordan is going through, and you too! As I am writing this, I was getting choked up and durig the night when I woke up I prayed for Jordan. Also, Jordan's faith is amazing and yours is too! We need to remember that child like faith that all of your kids have. And remember they have that faith becomes mom does. I love you, hang in there, you have family, friends and church family that will help you and Jordan through this. Love, Mom